Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Hey there peopo!(: Its been long I never been posting..okaye, today, nothing much. Going gym with Nasrun. So damn tired sia! Walao! I hope all those hard work benefit me alot seyh.. If not, then is just a waste of time.. Im hoping to make a change..
And to aqil, I cannot go out with u guys for gym tomorrow.. If saturday for is okaye, then will goo out on that alright? Miss going your house.. and ur nenek!hahaha! Can't wait to play your PS3!haha!

So yeah, every old folks of my friend started their life in Sec 5 already.. Some already started to feel like you know the word 'arrogant' I guess. Just would care about their old ones. That's what people in life do! Got all the good, new things come to them, they throw the old waants from their heart. Sad is'nt it. But, nonetheless, is their life. I can't possibly control them!Whatever it is, life must go on! Can't just possibly kill myself about this particular person! I would rather come to the person in ITE there waiting for me to be their friend!hahaah! Just that I would always pray for them even they are like that, I will and I'm not lying!

OKay, suddenly I'm missing seeing Serangoon peeps sia! Eraah, Wani, Lynette, Ellie, Hakeem, and all those who know's me, Sorie did;nt mention! But I miss you guys like ALOT!haha! Hope to meet u soon!
And lynette, go gym with me luh. We go when aqil not there. Later you cannot concentrate with his tongue come out!haha!

Okaye gtg..will update more about my ITE life! CAN"T WAIT!!:D

Makcik Cit-Cit! Pape beep tao kalau nk race!hahaah! Da nk beli nnie motor scooter!haha!LOLS!:p so kecoh sia tadi!:D

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Goodbye 2009

Goodbye 2009! You're going away real soon. Hello back new year, which is 2010!wooooo!
Can't wait for new year to come. New things are gonna come to me. New life, new school, new friends, new teachers, new strangers. Gosh!Alot sia!haha!
Gyeah, im gonna miss SSS real deep! My friends too of course, hope they do well in Sec 5!
Yesterday simply can't sleep. Was tuning in to 98.7 fm late night delight with Desiree Lai! Hahaha! I call to request for a song sia! lols! And I say goes out to all my frens who was listening to 98.7!Hopefully someone does!lols!
OK, now Im missing that Bella of mine!hahah! I wish you good luck for next yr okaye!haha! Keep calling me if you have the free time..haha! I love you:D

OK, gtg..Will update more about today. Will be going out both with family and friends! Fireworks sooon!wheeee!


Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fate plays a part

OK! Seriously, this past week have been mix emotion for me, really, swear!
Getting my N level esult, and it was the HORRIBLE until I could believe it!
I get to go ITE! FUCK much! really!I did not intend to go there for the rest of my life, but I have to!
But, its okay, I have to do what best! Which is do better next year! And yeah, Aerospace it my future course! I just had a dream yesterday that I became a Pilot!lols!what and idiot!hahaha!
Hope to get the course though!(:
So some of my friends get to go to Sec 5! Well, I could say that they really done a good job! Shock some of my friend get to Sec 5!But, just wish them all the best for taking the risk of going Sec 5 to take their O levels! Cause, N level cert now hard to bring u anywhere, unless miracle plays a part!
So, I do not know what's gonna be up for next year!Byebye Old Friend or Hello New friend or both! I just hope those peeps dun loose cntact! Really, HOPING! Cause you know anything can happen in life!

And yeah, FUCK AND FUCK!! I just really wanna change this stupid nooob HP! But, not IPhone that i wanted to buy, trust me, people like our age buy thos stupid Iphone, should have told themselves is Really a WASTE! I prefer ITouch!more better! The fuction is just so weak, speaker not loud, camera quality is so damn bad! I prefer buying a normal, yet worthy of using it for a long time!So for me, IPhone suckxzxz!hahaha!
okaye, that's all! Will update more..
And yeah, cnt wait for tmoro! Christmas Eve celebration!Will be going somewhere I dunnoe where! MUst wear HOT HOT costumes!haha!ok byeeeeeexzxz Humans and animals!:D

Thursday, December 10, 2009

flying away..(:

Hey guys! Its been 3 damn days I have never been on the Com!hahaha! Don't know why, lazy and tired to go online though. But today will be the last and only I am gonna be on the com as, on Sunday, I will be away to another world soon. So, I just can't wait to take my flight to KL!

Gyeah, will probably gonna be miss my friend, though.. Its been days I have never been in contact with some friends though, busy with work mah. So yeah, I hope you guys are doing fine.(:
In the past three days, was so damn crazy. I went to become 'Insomnia' as the 3 straight days, I have been sleeping at 6 or 7 am. Crazy right?? I know, but wake up late though, around 12 or 1 pm.!hahaha!
But morning ago around 12.30am, this gundu called me. HAHAH! was expecting for her to call though!hahaha! Was like for 1 hour plus I was talking to her. My ear was full pain of excitement, I just can't resist her cute laugh!HAHA! See hanifah, I got good heart you know..huhu! She ask me to sing, I was giggling all the way!And wats make me shock was that she said she has never laugh out loud that so call 'CRAZY' for a long time.!AWWWW! I make someone laugh again, as usual! I so gnna be a clown soon! I gyeah, again Jacob And Jacob is the word when people talk to me. She say my face look like him!hahaha!ok la, i just hope to make appointment with Taylor soon to meet me and compare up!hahaha! But I wish Kristen to be meet up..hahaah!

Ok, that's all for today. WIll be update about My trip to KL after My N level esult!woooo N level esult! SO the scary sia!

There is a storm in my heart
It tears my inside apart
I am bleeding and I am hurt
Like a wingless little bird

Then it turns dark
And for a moment I see
The pain that was inside of me
And on a journey I embark

In search of answers
In search of truth
In search of understanding
In search of you

My guiding star in darkness
Like a little stream in the desert
Everything about you seems flawless
But that is what causes the hurt

Your perfect features do not belong to me
You do not deserve my chains
You need to live and see
What it means to be free

So spread your wings and fly away
For I can not fulfill your dream
But if you should fall one day
I'll guide you and be that little stream

So go and discover it all
And know that wherever you go
Whatever you do and might feel
The only thing you need to do is call

Thursday, December 3, 2009

art of love

I’m saying sorry in advance cos this won’t always go to plan
Though we don’t mean to take our love for granted
It's in our nature to forget what matters
How when the going is getting tough
And we’re all about giving up
Things that we never thought we’d gonna say, gonna say them
Things that we never thought we’d play, gonna play them
It ain’t perfect, but it’s worth it
And it’s always getting better
It’s gonna take some time to get it right

Cause I’m still learning the art of love
I’m still trying to not mess up
So whenever I stumble let me know
You need to spell it out
You need to spell it out
You need to spell it out
You need to spell it out for me
Cause I’m still trying to learn the art of love

If I forget to get the door
Remind you that you’re beautiful
I know my detail requires more attention
If I ever hurt you it’s not my intention
Cause we’re gonna make our mistakes
Find out how much your heart can take
But I know that you got my back
And baby I got yours

Cause I’m still learning the art of love
I’m still trying to not mess up
So whenever I stumble let me know
You need to spell it out
You need to spell it out
You need to spell it out
You need to spell it out for me
Cause I'm still trying to learn the art of love

Sometimes I’m gonna miss
I’m still learning how to give
I’m not giving up
I’m still learning how to love
Learning how to love…
Learning how to love

Cause I’m still learning the art of love
I’m still trying to not mess up
So whenever I stumble let me know
You need to spell it out
You need to spell it out
You need to spell it out
You need to spell it out for me
Cause I'm still trying to learn the art of love
(The art of love)

Still learning (art of love)
Still learning (art of love)
Still learning (art of love)
Still trying to learn the art of love
Still learning, I'm still learning (art of love)
Still learning (art of love)
I'm gonna get it sometimes, cause I'm still learning
Still learning (art of love)
Still learning (art of love)
Still learning (art of love)
The art art of love

goo times, bad times

Today, had soccer with friends.. Going good though playing happily. Some of them in a sudden disutrb me 'Taylor Taylor"! Fuhh, everyone's been calling me that name. Gosh!!
But noe, his more handsome then I am.
And now, when all those soccer playings were done, I feel like puking myself. So hard to control that I feel like just want to throw up! That's why been quiet for sometime. Sorry guys, just was'nt my day.. And now back home, immediately took temperature. And it is 38.2!Im sick! Gah!! I can't be sick for now, is just ridicoulous! ARGH!!
OKay, set and done. I can't type anymore, too tired. And simpy can't stand the pain now.
Will update if I'm feeling okay. So tkcre peeps!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Hey peeps! For god sake, I did'nt even sleep a minute of my night, only manage to shut my eyes at 7 am! Yes, 7 am is the time I started to fall asleep. Woke up ard 12, straightaway on my computer. hahaha! SO yeah is so damn tiring today. Today, eventually someone ended up inviting us play soccer. That fellow has'nt been playing soccer for like 3 weeks i guess? So pray2 weather will be great. Because I at this point of time the weather will get into its all usual self during this month, which is raining. So pray and pray..

OKay, will maybe post about the soccer today! And ooh, yesterday Singapore Idol at the Theatre was awesome! But too bad to see the Beat Box boy, Charles 'Stich" was voted out. HIs been all round goood entertainer. Wish all the best for him(: Will be going to the Singapore Idol Finals on the 27 Dec with friends, CONFIRM!!haha!
OK so long SUckazzz!:D