Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Fate plays a part

OK! Seriously, this past week have been mix emotion for me, really, swear!
Getting my N level esult, and it was the HORRIBLE until I could believe it!
I get to go ITE! FUCK much! really!I did not intend to go there for the rest of my life, but I have to!
But, its okay, I have to do what best! Which is do better next year! And yeah, Aerospace it my future course! I just had a dream yesterday that I became a Pilot!lols!what and idiot!hahaha!
Hope to get the course though!(:
So some of my friends get to go to Sec 5! Well, I could say that they really done a good job! Shock some of my friend get to Sec 5!But, just wish them all the best for taking the risk of going Sec 5 to take their O levels! Cause, N level cert now hard to bring u anywhere, unless miracle plays a part!
So, I do not know what's gonna be up for next year!Byebye Old Friend or Hello New friend or both! I just hope those peeps dun loose cntact! Really, HOPING! Cause you know anything can happen in life!

And yeah, FUCK AND FUCK!! I just really wanna change this stupid nooob HP! But, not IPhone that i wanted to buy, trust me, people like our age buy thos stupid Iphone, should have told themselves is Really a WASTE! I prefer ITouch!more better! The fuction is just so weak, speaker not loud, camera quality is so damn bad! I prefer buying a normal, yet worthy of using it for a long time!So for me, IPhone suckxzxz!hahaha!
okaye, that's all! Will update more..
And yeah, cnt wait for tmoro! Christmas Eve celebration!Will be going somewhere I dunnoe where! MUst wear HOT HOT costumes!haha!ok byeeeeeexzxz Humans and animals!:D

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