Thursday, December 10, 2009

flying away..(:

Hey guys! Its been 3 damn days I have never been on the Com!hahaha! Don't know why, lazy and tired to go online though. But today will be the last and only I am gonna be on the com as, on Sunday, I will be away to another world soon. So, I just can't wait to take my flight to KL!

Gyeah, will probably gonna be miss my friend, though.. Its been days I have never been in contact with some friends though, busy with work mah. So yeah, I hope you guys are doing fine.(:
In the past three days, was so damn crazy. I went to become 'Insomnia' as the 3 straight days, I have been sleeping at 6 or 7 am. Crazy right?? I know, but wake up late though, around 12 or 1 pm.!hahaha!
But morning ago around 12.30am, this gundu called me. HAHAH! was expecting for her to call though!hahaha! Was like for 1 hour plus I was talking to her. My ear was full pain of excitement, I just can't resist her cute laugh!HAHA! See hanifah, I got good heart you know..huhu! She ask me to sing, I was giggling all the way!And wats make me shock was that she said she has never laugh out loud that so call 'CRAZY' for a long time.!AWWWW! I make someone laugh again, as usual! I so gnna be a clown soon! I gyeah, again Jacob And Jacob is the word when people talk to me. She say my face look like him!hahaha!ok la, i just hope to make appointment with Taylor soon to meet me and compare up!hahaha! But I wish Kristen to be meet up..hahaah!

Ok, that's all for today. WIll be update about My trip to KL after My N level esult!woooo N level esult! SO the scary sia!

There is a storm in my heart
It tears my inside apart
I am bleeding and I am hurt
Like a wingless little bird

Then it turns dark
And for a moment I see
The pain that was inside of me
And on a journey I embark

In search of answers
In search of truth
In search of understanding
In search of you

My guiding star in darkness
Like a little stream in the desert
Everything about you seems flawless
But that is what causes the hurt

Your perfect features do not belong to me
You do not deserve my chains
You need to live and see
What it means to be free

So spread your wings and fly away
For I can not fulfill your dream
But if you should fall one day
I'll guide you and be that little stream

So go and discover it all
And know that wherever you go
Whatever you do and might feel
The only thing you need to do is call

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