Wednesday, December 2, 2009


Hey peeps! For god sake, I did'nt even sleep a minute of my night, only manage to shut my eyes at 7 am! Yes, 7 am is the time I started to fall asleep. Woke up ard 12, straightaway on my computer. hahaha! SO yeah is so damn tiring today. Today, eventually someone ended up inviting us play soccer. That fellow has'nt been playing soccer for like 3 weeks i guess? So pray2 weather will be great. Because I at this point of time the weather will get into its all usual self during this month, which is raining. So pray and pray..

OKay, will maybe post about the soccer today! And ooh, yesterday Singapore Idol at the Theatre was awesome! But too bad to see the Beat Box boy, Charles 'Stich" was voted out. HIs been all round goood entertainer. Wish all the best for him(: Will be going to the Singapore Idol Finals on the 27 Dec with friends, CONFIRM!!haha!
OK so long SUckazzz!:D

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