Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Hey there peopo!(: Its been long I never been posting..okaye, today, nothing much. Going gym with Nasrun. So damn tired sia! Walao! I hope all those hard work benefit me alot seyh.. If not, then is just a waste of time.. Im hoping to make a change..
And to aqil, I cannot go out with u guys for gym tomorrow.. If saturday for is okaye, then will goo out on that alright? Miss going your house.. and ur nenek!hahaha! Can't wait to play your PS3!haha!

So yeah, every old folks of my friend started their life in Sec 5 already.. Some already started to feel like you know the word 'arrogant' I guess. Just would care about their old ones. That's what people in life do! Got all the good, new things come to them, they throw the old waants from their heart. Sad is'nt it. But, nonetheless, is their life. I can't possibly control them!Whatever it is, life must go on! Can't just possibly kill myself about this particular person! I would rather come to the person in ITE there waiting for me to be their friend!hahaah! Just that I would always pray for them even they are like that, I will and I'm not lying!

OKay, suddenly I'm missing seeing Serangoon peeps sia! Eraah, Wani, Lynette, Ellie, Hakeem, and all those who know's me, Sorie did;nt mention! But I miss you guys like ALOT!haha! Hope to meet u soon!
And lynette, go gym with me luh. We go when aqil not there. Later you cannot concentrate with his tongue come out!haha!

Okaye gtg..will update more about my ITE life! CAN"T WAIT!!:D

Makcik Cit-Cit! Pape beep tao kalau nk race!hahaah! Da nk beli nnie motor scooter!haha!LOLS!:p so kecoh sia tadi!:D

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